Normally, at the beginning or ending of a new year, I like to do a little recap of that year. This year, I have decided to spare my readers from reliving the angst. Because this year is about getting better – Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually. I have learned a lot this past year about…
Read moreAll’s Not Quiet in Liztopia
It’s a funny thing, taking control of your life. One day you are just going along and BAM! No, it wasn’t Emeril… it was inspiration. It was the knowledge that something else, something potentially better was waiting. And all you have to do is take the leap. And the leap, my friends, is scary as…
Read moreI’m FINE… no, really… I’m fine.
Once I jumped out of the tower Spiderman style, I spent a lot of time running around, doing everything BUT dealing with my emotions. I went out with friends, I read a lot, I played on Facebook. Really ignoring everything and anything that would force me to deal with my issues. But here’s something they…
Read moreWelcome to Self Saving Princess!
I am so excited to finally start working on this new blogging adventure. I have done a lot of blogging in the past about a previous job, and, of course, about my divorce. This time, I really wanted to go behind the problems and talk more about creating the life you want. Here’s the problem….
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