Hurricane Preparedness for Your Tech Gear

Written originally by Elizabeth Serna and Paul Joseph Serna, August 2018 for Geeks of the Galaxy. It is hurricane season in the U.S., and while most of us think about things like batteries, canned foods, and drinking water, we don’t give a lot of thought to preparing our technology and gadgets for a potentially devastating…

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30 Days of Plexus – My take

About a year ago, my sister’s neighbor Mary mentioned to us that she was taking some kind of supplements called Plexus. I had never heard of them, but I have been approached over the years by every kind of MLM (multilevel marketing) company you can imagine. I also have a bunch of weirdo allergies, so…

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Embarrassingly Behind on Blogging. Please forgive.

Wow. I just noticed that I haven’t blogged on my precious site for like eight months. I am super embarrassed by that! I love my blog. It’s like my baby. Like my baby that I stuck in a closet for eight months while dealing with other babies. Maybe this is part of the reason I…

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Yesterday Real Life Got In the Way – How Rude!

Ok, so I have been actively trying to blog daily as I go through this new journey into a healthier lifestyle.  But yesterday, I got busy and forgot to blog.  I did accomplish my goals I set for yesterday – though not in the way I expected. I did make the attempt to take the…

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Somedays there aren’t enough casserole recipes

Last night, I went to bed feeling worried and a bit overwhelmed.  The past month has been a difficult one for me, physically and emotionally.  I had another hospital stay, have had to battle with stupid government policies on what makes someone disabled, and have also had to say goodbye to my pseudo-kid, who has…

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I have been torn on whether or not to blog about this, but when has that ever stopped me before, right?  Alright… here goes. In the past week, I have seen 5 different couples announce that they are pregnant.  Most of these couples I consider good friends.  And let me start by saying that I…

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High Hopes for 2014

Happy New Year!! I know it has been way too long since I last posted.  I have been really struggling the last few weeks.  Not really with anything important.  I am GREAT in a crisis.  Unfortunately, some days every day life is a lot to handle. I got sick a week or so before Christmas…

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Clearly, I’ve lost my damn mind

A few months ago, my sister-in-law, Brianne, mentioned to me that I should look into a blog she had been following:  The Big Girl Blog.  CeCe, the lady who writes it, considers herself a Plus Size Princess (PSP), and I love that idea.  The idea that we should love ourselves, regardless of our size, because…

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Heart Attackiversary

Two years ago today, I felt weird.  Not terrible.  Just off.  It really wasn’t any worse than I had felt so many times before when I ended up in the ER.  So, off we went, in the middle of the night to the ER.  Again.  Surely, they would give me something for anxiety and send…

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Liz’s Famous Crockpot Roast

I love to cook.  I didn’t always, but now I absolutely love it.  Mostly because I love to eat.  I am currently working on a health and fitness challenge for the next 30 days where clean eating is the focus.  But, a friend requested my recipe for my totally famous-to-everyone-who-has-ever-tried-it recipe.  This is the recipe…

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