It is definitely the end of an era.

Saturday, I went to go look at a car I found on Craigslist that looked like it might be a good deal.  When we got there, however, the car was a piece of crap.  Covered in dents and scratches, the racing tires gave it away that someone had been drag racing a 2004 Chrysler Sebring.  Stupid.  I decided I was far too lazy to try to sell my car, as I have no intention of dealing with people from Craigslist.  So, we took the car to CarMax to get an estimate.

While I was waiting, I went ahead and test drove a small, affordable car.  Totally not something that I would have ever picked out.  Ever.  But, the price was right and it was a lot newer than anything I could find online.

So, I bought my first new-to-me car, ever.  I am also taking on my first car payment ever, which kind of sucks.  It is a pretty cheap one, though, so I think I will manage.

It’s just strange to do something so grown up. It makes me feel like an actual adult.  An odd feeling, being as I am months away from turning 35.  I always thought there would be a day when I would actually feel like an adult, but that age has always slipped into another position, as I neared it.  I still feel like we sit at the “kids’ table” at Thanksgiving!  I guess to my parents’ generation, we will always be kids.  Even when we are old enough to vote, drink, have kids, and own a crippling mortgage.  I guess since I have never done those last two, I hadn’t crossed the line.

Somehow, the car note has drug the line back to me.  Weird.

So… here she is.  I haven’t known her long enough to give her a name yet.  Suggestions are appreciated via comments:

2008 Chevy Cobalt
Self Saving Princess Uncategorized , ,

2 Replies

  1. I have named every car I’ve ever owned after the person I bought it from, whether it was some random dude or a car salesman. My very first new car was a 1997 Honda Civic, and not only did I get to name the car Harold after the salesman, but when the dealership sent me a plant to thank me for my purchase, the plant became known as Harold too. Harold is alive and well all these years later at my dad’s house – the car, not so much.

    Then I had a VW Beetle, which I appropriately named Ringo (after Ringo Starr, who was not only a Beatle but shares the same birthday as me). Now I drive a Toyota Corolla, which I couldn’t name Mike after the salesman because I already had a Mike, plus I think a female name fits better. Long story short, after 2 years, I decided she still had no personality and no name, and therefore I call my current car Jane Doe.

    So my suggestion to you, after all that, is to name it after the person who sold it to you. Keep the trend going! 🙂

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