Over the past month or so, I have been incredibly productive. None of that earns me any money, but I feel good about getting things done. As most of you know, before this blog, I wrote for over a year on a divorce blog. I chronicled our relationship and it’s nosedive into oblivion. I have…
Read moreHumpDaaaay Headaches…What stands in your way?
It’s Hump Daaaaay! I don’t know why this phrase makes me laugh, but when a camel says it you just have to go with it, I think. Happy Wednesday! I finally managed to get together my Healthy Living Guide for my Get Healthy and Save Yourself support group, and I have been really happy with…
Read moreThere’s no such thing as a mistake… Only choices. Very Bad Choices.
Good morning! I can say that now, because it is not yesterday. And yesterday was really good, until it wasn’t. I have a belief that there are no such things as mistakes in life. Only choices. Some choices are good, and some are terribly bad. But saying, “Oh, I made a mistake” is a cop-out. …
Read moreProcrastination Nation
Ah, procrastination. That giant word that becomes the bane of my existence. I am a total procrastinator. Not out of choice, really. Every personality test I have ever taken in life (and I have taken a lot, being a Psychologist and all) puts me clearly into the super-outgoing-friendly-with-the-attention-span-of-a-gnat category. Let’s just say, I have trouble…
Read moreRelief is spelled T-U-R-B-O
Alright, so by now you have probably figured out that I have a problem with anxiety. Always have, and probably always will to some extent. It is one of the worst feelings I can imagine, especially for a control freak like me. I hate the feeling of being out of control (a large part of…
Read moreAll’s Not Quiet in Liztopia
It’s a funny thing, taking control of your life. One day you are just going along and BAM! No, it wasn’t Emeril… it was inspiration. It was the knowledge that something else, something potentially better was waiting. And all you have to do is take the leap. And the leap, my friends, is scary as…
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