Yesterday, I broke 2,000 (2,031 to be exact) hits on this blog since I started it back at the end of November 2010. I am so thrilled that people are enjoying what I have to say! I would love to hear from more of YOU!!
Comment, people. You are commenting to me on Twitter and Facebook, but rarely through the blog! How can I send love back to your blogs if you don’t comment? M’Kay? 🙂
Seriously, I am going to start a weekly drawing for the best comments. But, in order to win, you have to play! The prizes will get cooler and cooler as you comment. Just sayin…
Also, if you would like to make my list of faves, just shoot me an email using my contact form, or at and I will be glad to add you to my Blogroll. I only ask that you return the favor.
Tomorrow night, I will get back to regular blogging. I have such a bone to pick with our dog, that it can only be done well through blogging. Mostly, because she can’t read and I wouldn’t want her to eat my shoes or steal my car or something equally “bad dog”.