Naked, Afraid, and Soon-to-be Utterly Alone

Ok, I’m not literally naked, because my dad lives with us and that is completely horrifying, but I am exposing my soul completely in the upcoming series of blog posts. As you know if you have ever met me or read any of my writing, I suffer from fairly extreme clinical anxiety. I have been…

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But You Don’t LOOK Sick…

Oh, how many times I have heard this.  “You don’t look sick.”  I have heard it from friends, family, bosses, doctors, nurses, and random other assholes.  But I am sick, and I have been for a long time.  When I was a kid, I suffered from severe asthma.  You don’t see that business unless you…

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Summer Suckfest 2014

I don’t know what is in the air or the water this summer, but it has been a giant suckfest.  I guess I had high hopes for the summer.  Actually, I don’t know that I have hope of much of anything anymore.  It seems every time I look forward to something it goes it hell…

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Flight of the Phlebotomists

This past week has been a rough one for me.  Actually, most of the last two weeks have been downright awful.  I ended up getting sick (again) and landed in the ER not once, but twice, and was admitted for 4 days the second trip.  I won’t get into the specifics of that, but let’s…

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An Open Letter to My Stomach

Dear Tummy, I am speaking to you, the tummy on the inside.  We will get to the tummy on the outside later.  I wish to tell you that you suck, and I am really tired of you being so temperamental all the time.  I understand that you are closely tied to my anxiety issues, but…

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Happy Healthy New Year

Normally, at the beginning or ending of a new year, I like to do a little recap of that year.  This year, I have decided to spare my readers from reliving the angst.  Because this year is about getting better – Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually.  I have learned a lot this past year about…

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I’m FINE… no, really… I’m fine.

Once I jumped out of the tower Spiderman style, I spent a lot of time running around, doing everything BUT dealing with my emotions.  I went out with friends, I read a lot, I played on Facebook.  Really ignoring everything and anything that would force me to deal with my issues. But here’s something they…

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