Can Someone Hold This Ice Pick For a While??

I have suffered from mild to severe anxiety for as long as I can remember, and even before I knew what anxiety even was. I have a family history of anxiety. I remember several times as a teenager driving my dad, who looked like he was having a heart attack, to the Emergency Room and…

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The Feels! Yuck!

Over the past month or so, I have been incredibly productive. None of that earns me any money, but I feel good about getting things done. As most of you know, before this blog, I wrote for over a year on a divorce blog. I chronicled our relationship and it’s nosedive into oblivion. I have…

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But You Don’t LOOK Sick…

Oh, how many times I have heard this.  “You don’t look sick.”  I have heard it from friends, family, bosses, doctors, nurses, and random other assholes.  But I am sick, and I have been for a long time.  When I was a kid, I suffered from severe asthma.  You don’t see that business unless you…

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From Non-Mom to Psuedo-Mom in 3 hours

This last month has been a roller coaster.  As you may recall, in my last post, I was both happy and hating everyone who easily gets pregnant.  Again, thrilled for my friends who are starting and expanding their families, but sad and angry at my own body’s inability to produce a single child. Well, things…

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Too Pretty for Homework

Lately, my social media outlets have been crowded by this “Too Pretty for Homework” t-shirt slogan that has all the mom-blogs in an uproar.  As you know, this is no mommy blog.  However, when I see things like this out there, it makes my feminist vibe shoot straight up my spine and practically sprout antennae…

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Sleep – Table for One

Sleep.  You are an elusive bastard tonight.  Even though I took my Ambien.  I have been sleep eating and drinking for a few hours, but what I would really prefer is sleep SLEEPING.  I have much to do tomorrow, and it won’t help to have me dozing off all day. I guess I am nervous…

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Jumping in Feet First

Last week was a real struggle for me.  I had some health problems and landed (again) in the hospital for the better part of the week.  But this past week was also significant because it was the last week of my short-term disability at work, and I had to make a decision. Do I go…

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Happy Healthy New Year

Normally, at the beginning or ending of a new year, I like to do a little recap of that year.  This year, I have decided to spare my readers from reliving the angst.  Because this year is about getting better – Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually.  I have learned a lot this past year about…

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