About a year ago, my sister’s neighbor Mary mentioned to us that she was taking some kind of supplements called Plexus. I had never heard of them, but I have been approached over the years by every kind of MLM (multilevel marketing) company you can imagine. I also have a bunch of weirdo allergies, so…
Read moreEmbarrassingly Behind on Blogging. Please forgive.
Wow. I just noticed that I haven’t blogged on my precious site for like eight months. I am super embarrassed by that! I love my blog. It’s like my baby. Like my baby that I stuck in a closet for eight months while dealing with other babies. Maybe this is part of the reason I…
Read moreHumpDaaaay Headaches…What stands in your way?
It’s Hump Daaaaay! I don’t know why this phrase makes me laugh, but when a camel says it you just have to go with it, I think. Happy Wednesday! I finally managed to get together my Healthy Living Guide for my Get Healthy and Save Yourself support group, and I have been really happy with…
Read moreNew Project Coming Soon…
So, I’m not going to post about the new project just yet… But it will be Nerdy, Bitchy, and just plain Awesome! I am super excited to collaborate with another nerdy bitch to make some awesome things happen! More news coming soon… I know. Teasers are so mean, right? Guess you will just have to…
Read moreThere’s no such thing as a mistake… Only choices. Very Bad Choices.
Good morning! I can say that now, because it is not yesterday. And yesterday was really good, until it wasn’t. I have a belief that there are no such things as mistakes in life. Only choices. Some choices are good, and some are terribly bad. But saying, “Oh, I made a mistake” is a cop-out. …
Read moreYesterday Real Life Got In the Way – How Rude!
Ok, so I have been actively trying to blog daily as I go through this new journey into a healthier lifestyle. But yesterday, I got busy and forgot to blog. I did accomplish my goals I set for yesterday – though not in the way I expected. I did make the attempt to take the…
Read moreI got so busy today I forgot to eat
These are words I have rarely ever uttered, and usually make me want to throat punch those who do. But today, it actually happened to me. Each time I realized that I had missed a meal time, I grabbed a small, healthy snack (a few walnuts and some yogurt) and moved on. The only time…
Read moreBut You Don’t LOOK Sick…
Oh, how many times I have heard this. “You don’t look sick.” I have heard it from friends, family, bosses, doctors, nurses, and random other assholes. But I am sick, and I have been for a long time. When I was a kid, I suffered from severe asthma. You don’t see that business unless you…
Read moreSummer Suckfest 2014
I don’t know what is in the air or the water this summer, but it has been a giant suckfest. I guess I had high hopes for the summer. Actually, I don’t know that I have hope of much of anything anymore. It seems every time I look forward to something it goes it hell…
Read moreSomedays there aren’t enough casserole recipes
Last night, I went to bed feeling worried and a bit overwhelmed. The past month has been a difficult one for me, physically and emotionally. I had another hospital stay, have had to battle with stupid government policies on what makes someone disabled, and have also had to say goodbye to my pseudo-kid, who has…
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