Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether you believe this is a real holiday or one made up by the greeting card companies, you have to love Valentine’s Day. Especially for the candy. Which, tomorrow, will be 70% off. That’s a good deal. This is my second Valentine’s with the knight. Last year’s didn’t go so well, as…
Read moreSlothy is easy
I am getting married in a matter of months. I have already picked out and purchased my dress. You would think that I would be on the motivation train to get into shape. And you would be right… in my mind. I have been so much better about diet and exercise for the past few…
Read moreHit One out of the Park
Every once in a while, I really hit one out of the park. In this situation, I am referring to dinner. About a month ago, I was trying to come up with some South Beach friendly meals to make so I wouldn’t get bored with the same old same old, and thereby sabotage my diet…
Read moreBoobs McGee
Today was an eventful day for me. I spent several hours in mental health daycare during the day, and then took a little trip over to see my 3 year old niece, Madison. I promised her I would bring her Valentine’s Day gift over. After visiting with my sister and niece for a while (who…
Read moreMake Every Day a Party Dress Day!
I was reading Facebook posts the other day and came across one from my friend, Tiffany. It said, “Make each day a party dress day.” I started to really think about that and fell in love with the concept. Think back to when you were little, and there were parties around every corner. Birthdays were…
Read moreThe S is for Sucks
Today I had a lot of things planned. Because planning is an essential part of any escape. Right now, I am looking to escape from my married name. I stopped using it online about a year ago, but I never really got around to getting it changed. Mostly, I was lazy. I admit it. A…
Read moreFlight of the Phlebotomists
This past week has been a rough one for me. Actually, most of the last two weeks have been downright awful. I ended up getting sick (again) and landed in the ER not once, but twice, and was admitted for 4 days the second trip. I won’t get into the specifics of that, but let’s…
Read moreNerdFest 2011 Approaching
You know I’m all about geeks. Seriously. I can’t get enough. I am still looking to get the right “Talk Nerdy to Me” t-shirt for my slogan tee collection. I think brains are sexy. And I love my fiance, who is also a geek… techie and gadget-oriented with a rockin’ brain and can match wits…
Read moreRelief is spelled T-U-R-B-O
Alright, so by now you have probably figured out that I have a problem with anxiety. Always have, and probably always will to some extent. It is one of the worst feelings I can imagine, especially for a control freak like me. I hate the feeling of being out of control (a large part of…
Read moreAn Open Letter to My Stomach
Dear Tummy, I am speaking to you, the tummy on the inside. We will get to the tummy on the outside later. I wish to tell you that you suck, and I am really tired of you being so temperamental all the time. I understand that you are closely tied to my anxiety issues, but…
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