Over the past month or so, I have been incredibly productive. None of that earns me any money, but I feel good about getting things done. As most of you know, before this blog, I wrote for over a year on a divorce blog. I chronicled our relationship and it’s nosedive into oblivion. I have…
Read moreTime vs. Healing
Someone once said that time heals all wounds. Whoever said this was a sucker. Anyone who has ever been wounded, physically or emotionally, would tell you this isn’t exactly true. Let’s look at this physically. If you get a big gaping cut on your arm, what happens if you just allow time to take its…
Read moreSleep – Table for One
Sleep. You are an elusive bastard tonight. Even though I took my Ambien. I have been sleep eating and drinking for a few hours, but what I would really prefer is sleep SLEEPING. I have much to do tomorrow, and it won’t help to have me dozing off all day. I guess I am nervous…
Read moreTerrible Two-sey, Lucy
So, I mentioned the move. What I didn’t mention was Lucy. She has been having some problems lately with her behavior. Super clingy, always super pissed when we leave, etc. But this really takes the cake. On moving day, I had planned for Lucy to have a little quiet time in her crate. One, to…
Read moreThe S is for Sucks
Today I had a lot of things planned. Because planning is an essential part of any escape. Right now, I am looking to escape from my married name. I stopped using it online about a year ago, but I never really got around to getting it changed. Mostly, I was lazy. I admit it. A…
Read moreHappy Healthy New Year
Normally, at the beginning or ending of a new year, I like to do a little recap of that year. This year, I have decided to spare my readers from reliving the angst. Because this year is about getting better – Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually. I have learned a lot this past year about…
Read moreAll’s Not Quiet in Liztopia
It’s a funny thing, taking control of your life. One day you are just going along and BAM! No, it wasn’t Emeril… it was inspiration. It was the knowledge that something else, something potentially better was waiting. And all you have to do is take the leap. And the leap, my friends, is scary as…
Read moreI’m FINE… no, really… I’m fine.
Once I jumped out of the tower Spiderman style, I spent a lot of time running around, doing everything BUT dealing with my emotions. I went out with friends, I read a lot, I played on Facebook. Really ignoring everything and anything that would force me to deal with my issues. But here’s something they…
Read moreSo… Yeah… Now What??
Ok, so, you have successfully rappelled out of the tower and made it to the ground without killing yourself. Um… now what?? I was incredibly lucky that I had a good friend staying the night with me and when we woke up, she heard the frog in all his glory being his normal douchetastic self….
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